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Postpartum Care

Honoring ancestral tech + physiological design  

Birth into Motherhood empowered, embodied, nourished

Illustration of Daisey

Postpartum is a tender time, a golden opportunity that affects your vitality life long.


Through the cross-cultural foundations of deeply nourishing foods & drink, an extended resting period, warmth, hands on care and community support we honor the ways our ancestors were tended to and support our bodies' natural processes to heal, produce milk, and care for our babies and families. Postpartum care is not a luxury, it is a vital piece of shifting our culture. 

Let's create a healing container for your sacred first 40 days.


Schedule today to ensure your birth into motherhood is empowered, embodied and nourished.

"Mothers are the soil from which humanity grows"

-Rachelle Garcia Seliga

Illustration of flower with roots
Illustration of seed pods
Innate Postpartum Care certificate logo
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